Monday, May 20, 2013

How to Perform a Service Badminton

My post this time, continuing my previous post about how to hold a badminton racket on the game. Service in badminton is also the basic techniques that must be learned for badminton players, in general. Because, in the rules of the game of badminton, service is the initial capital to be able to win the game. In other words, a player can not get the numbers if not serving well.

However, many coaches, players also do not pay special attention to practice and master these basic techniques. Therefore, the attitude is a big mistake. We know that the rate / points in a game of badminton will not be created, if the players are not adept to serve properly.
In a game of badminton, there are three types of services, namely short service, high service, and high-flick or servicing half. However, service is usually incorporated into the types or forms of service forehand and backhand. Each of these types of implementation varies according to the situation on the ground game.

Forehand service
a. Short Forehand service
- Short service objective is to force the opponent to not be able to attack. Additionally opponent was forced on the defensive.
- Variation of the direction and goals of this short service can be trained seriously and systematically.
- How should hit with a relatively short racket swing.
- At the time of perkenaan with head (leaf) racket and shuttlecock, in a state bent elbow, to avoid the use of force wrist, and watch your weight shift point.
- How to practice is to use a shuttlecock and done repeatedly.

b. High Forehand service
- This service type is mainly used in a single game.
- How should be beaten with full force in order to really soar and fall perpendicular to the field lines at the back of the opponent.
- When hitting the shuttlecock, feet hip-width apart and your feet always in contact with the floor.
- Pay attention to the movement of the racket swing. Backward, forward, and after making a stroke, should be done perfectly and followed the movement of the transition point weight kekaki hind legs should be straight forward continuous and harmonious.
- Get used to always concentrate before hitting the shuttlecock.
- Only by practicing diligently and repeated tirelessly, to master the technique of high forehand service with the reverse of it.

backhand service
This type of service in general, and the direction of the fall really close as possible to the line of attack opposing players. Wherever possible and shuttlecock retatif hovering close over the net (net).
Therefore, this type of service is often used by multiple players.
1. Stance is the right foot in front of left foot, right foot with the tip leads to the desired goal. Both feet hip-width apart, knees bent, so that with an attitude like this, the point of the weight is in between the two legs. Do not forget, stay relaxed posture and concentration.
2. Racquet swing is relatively short, so it really only driven with the help of weight transfer from the rear to the front foot, with continuous motion and harmonic rhythm. Avoid using excessive force wrist, because it will influence the direction and punch accuracy.
3. Before serving, note the position and attitude of standing opponent, so why can direct to the right target and the corresponding estimates.
4. Get used to practice with a lot number and why repeated regardless boredom, to be able to master the movements and skills to complete this service and good / perfect.

In addition, please note the regulation service. The following rules of how to serve the wrong and right.

One service that:
1. At the time of hitting the ball, head (leaf) is higher or equal racquet with racket grip.
2. Perkenaan point anyway, head (leaf) racket higher than the waist.
3. Position feet on the middle or front of the line.
4. Do step left foot.
5. Right foot step before really hit.
6. Swing your racket and hit the circuit really should not be interrupted.
7. Service recipient moves before the service really hit.

Correct service:
1. At the time of hitting, tigngi head (leaf) must be below the racquet racket grip.
2. Perkanaan really must be below the waist.
3. Left foot static.
4. Foot only shifts, but not off the ground.
5. Series of swinging a racket, should be in a series.
6. Service recipient moves shortly after the service hit.

Returns Service Engineering service return, it is imperative controlled properly by any badminton player. Navigate to the area anyway right side and the left field corner of the opponent or to the front or back of the opponent's field. In principle, the proper placement anyway, the opponent will move to hit it anyway, so it is forced to abandon its strategic position at the mid-point field.
1. In a single game, should be returned to the opponent's serve lob stroke technique and high hard one to the back corner of the opponent's court, or the technique of "short stroke" (short drop) to the front corner of the opponent's field.
2. Avoid doing "hard smash", when standing at the position at the rear of the field itself. Therefore, when the position was less favorable, if the spike can be restored with accurate placement or directed by an opposing player.
3. In doubles play, it should really hit a fast focus, and direction of blows constantly swooping opponent falls to the ground or into the opponent's body.

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